Gay anime video

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Free! – Iwatobi Swim Club(2013)įree Iwatobi is a sports-comedy, slice of life anime whose story moves around a swimming lover Haruka and his three high school friends who were united in elementary school to won a relay race. How will Ash save them in such a commotion? The series is available on Amazon Prime Video. Ash ran away leaving behind Shunichi Ibe and Eiji Okumara who knows the location of Banana fish. One of Ash’s loyal ally warned him that Dino’s men will be arriving soon to storm the bar. The grownup Ash is now 17 years old and is the leader of his own clan and begins investigating about the Banana fish but gets disturbed by Dino’s men in the bar. A runaway named Ash picked up and raised by the infamous mafia Dino.

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Will the duo been able to won the race? Banana Fish(2018)īanana Fish is an adventure drama yoai anime series created under MAPPA studios. However, Reki’s boss still assigned him to participate in the same deadly race that Reki has broke his arm. While working, he is greeted by his new batchmate named Langa who is in desperate need of money but the problem is that he has no experience in skateboarding.

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